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Preparing for all possible scenarios.

Our attention to detail lets you get on with the show



Consistent, proactive partnership


We employ a full-time, trained staff including account executives, project managers and lead installers who know the value of accounting for every last detail we receive. Because we've successfully planned out thousands of jobs over the years, we are able to predict job needs and proactively retrieve all critical information from clients, allowing them the peace of mind to move on to other important show matters.

We are more than your vendor, we are your partner.


Effective nationwide communication systems


We process all orders electronically in live-time, have a 24/7 emergency phone line

and a customized ordering & communication protocol with exhibit houses.  Each Coastal International

account executive, operations manager, and lead installer is equipped with mobile access to all job details, allowing for seamless data transfer and retrieval, and efficient implementation of all requests.  


Over 30 years of trade show planning


We’ve been in this business a long time and we've built our reputation on providing the most consistent

resource for quality labor. We know the ins and outs of the trade show and event industry, and we pass the benefits of that knowledge onto our clients, whether they be new to the industry or trade show veterans.



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